How do I ethically consume under capitalism? Being vegan is right now one of the only ways I’m being ethical, and that doesn’t yet include buying products that have not been tested on animals. I worry sometimes.

  • @uhoh@lemmy.mlOP
    13 years ago

    If there are no computers in an ideal world, and I love computers, what can I do?

      23 years ago

      Fair enough question. I’m in the same situation as you. To be honest i don’t think polluting processes like manufacturing computers should be ENTIRELY stopped. Maybe if we built more durable computing and reduced software bloat we could enjoy using the same computers for decades, not months/years? There’s more smartphones in circulation than human beings on earth, so i would argue planned obsolescence is a crime against nature/humanity.

      • @k_o_t@lemmy.mlM
        13 years ago

        happy cake day 🥳

        /u/southerntofu and /u/dessalines same person confirmed? 🤔🤔🤔