Do you guys recommend dual-booting a Linux distro on a secondary drive, or running Linux as a main OS, using Wine for Windows applications?

I’ve wanted to make the switch for a very long time, just worried about compatibility issues or even performance loss in gaming using Wine.

  • EponymousBosh
    31 year ago

    I agree. I tried dual-booting several times before finally committing to Linux Mint as my daily driver. Just too inconvenient to have two slightly-worse computers instead of one normal computer.

    OP, my suggestion would be to double-check on something like ProtonDB and/or WineHQ to make sure that you can run all the games you want on Linux. And if you have an NVIDIA GPU, make sure you know how to handle that going in! I was caught off-guard by it and it gave me some hassle.

    • @Prologue7642
      31 year ago

      On most main distros, nvidia isn’t really an issue anymore. Unless you want to try Wayland or something more exotic, it shouldn’t be a problem.

      • EponymousBosh
        31 year ago

        I mean, it wasn’t an insurmountable issue for me, but like I said, it caught me off-guard a little. Better to go in knowing that it might cause some hiccups.