My main instance is, but I often explore for communities to follow since most of them are there. The problem with this is that in the app there’s no option to subscribe to a community from another instance, or I haven’t found it, at least.

Is there a way to do this?

  • shilangyu (lemmur)M
    23 years ago

    In that case you have to put the community url into the search box of your instance. Then it will get fetched.

    Are you sure that works? Maybe we should make a separate api endpoint for this?

    Actually I noticed that search has a Url option but it is filtered out in lemmy-ui. Would this Url option work like you described?

      23 years ago

      Your URL is from a remote community, in the format /community/123. For fetching a community you need its activitypub ID, which is the same as its local URL on the original instance (/c/name).