It linked to someone’s soundcloud track.

I don’t understand Polish though, so I didn’t understand how this is “PZPR Propaganda”.

Googling its lyrics, there’s not as much as a peep about LGBT.

So idk why even put LGBT imagery over it lmfao.

Did the PZPR/Polish Peoples Republic say LGBT Rights back in its day or something?

I thought the GDR was the first to do that.

  • CannotSleep420
    1 year ago

    John Paul II was the CIA’s man in the Vatican and Benedict XVI was a member of the Hitler Youth.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      Yeah that too. There’s even joke about that:

      WW2, young Karol Wojtyła (future John Paul 2) is walking the street. Suddenly a German soldier jump him with a rifle in hands

      “Hande Hoch! Du Polnishe Schweine! Ausweis!” yells the German

      “I don’t have one” Wojtyła says

      Suddenly, there was light everywhere, God descends

      “Don’t kill him, i have plans for him, he will be pope in the future” Says God to German

      “Ok” says the German after some deliberation “But on one condition. I want to be pope after him”