With the rise of the Fediverse driven by Elon Musk’s continued efforts to make Twitter unpleasant for the majority of people, it has been interesting and exciting to see increased interest in forms of Social Media outside the corporate hegemony dominated by Twitter and Facebook over the last decade.

Truthfully, for a lot of us who had been on Twitter pre-2012 or so, Mastadon, with it’s user-curated stream of content, feels more like a return to something that was lost instead of something new. There is an excitement about Mastadon, it’s underlying protocol ActivityPub, and the collection of inter-operable apps and servers that make up what we’re now calling the Fediverse.

And I’m glad for it.

  • PicoBlaanket
    51 year ago

    That’s true, and that’s why I like this place: it isn’t built on greed.

    Yes - lemmy is faster, and the UI is cleaner - yet the hidden advantage is what lemmy avoids:

    1. no nsfw. 22% of reddit is NSFW1. You do a search for “hope” and every fourth result is someone’s naked ass.

    2. no karma-farmers… reddit and twitter are excellent honeypots - I hope they stay there!

    3. no corporate interest. People are becoming more aware of corporate spying/greed, and will increasingly seek places like this.

    It’s far better to attract good people than to attract the most people!

    Excellence and quality are created by what you provide, but also by what you avoid!

    That’s why this place is great.

    [I’m sure you’ve pondered all this already - just expressing gratitude]