• cfgaussian
    7 months ago

    So the claim is that the bourgeoisie in China has all the power and wealth and yet are somehow simultaneously hostage to their own population? What a peculiar system China must have where the government is accountable to the wishes of the people. Wish we could have that kind of not-socialism here in the West too.

    On a serious note though, the people of the USSR by and large still believed in communism even into the late 80s yet that didn’t stop the traitorous clique who had managed to infiltrate the party from destroying socialism and openly restoring bourgeois rule. There was considerable resistance to the dissolution of the USSR, to which Yeltsin responded by sending tanks to shell the parliament.

    Does anyone really honestly believe that if enemies of socialism managed to seize power in China they would not seek to dissolve the socialist system as soon as possible and openly declare China as capitalist, then immediately calling on the West to help them stay in power by any means necessary while instituting shock therapy? How does that square with every other counter-revolution that we have ever witnessed?

    Accusations of revisionism at least i would understand…if it was still the 1980s and we didn’t know how the situation would develop in China over the next 40 years. But to actually believe that capitalists having seized power would go on pretending to stil be communists for half a century is frankly incomprehensible and absurd to me.

    How are the Chinese people so powerful and so staunchly communist that their supposedly bourgeois rulers are afraid of them finding out the truth and have to continue larping as commies, yet simultaneously so stupid or gullible that they cannot distinguish between capitalism and socialism? Like, i’m sorry but this shit only makes sense if you’re racist toward Chinese people.