completely nuking like a dozen trans women’s accounts after tumblr user predstrogen got banned so hard every single image she ever posted got deleted (which isn’t how tumblr bans work), and claiming the og ban was because of threats towards him. the one threat he could point to was this

he said tumblr would work with the fbi to investigate this shit

link to his statement. he originally misgendered her, then corrected himself to degender her, then finally used corrected himself to use her actual pronouns

  • PeeOnYou [he/him]
    7 months ago

    tumblr is still a thing? jesus.

    also of all the bigger and older online social networks I would’ve assumed Tumblr would be the most accepting of the transcommunity since they seemed to be so welcoming of sexuality-based content iirc. I never had an account there nor did I visit it on purpose, but from time to time I’d follow a link to tumblr and it almost always ended up in sexual content

    edit: i guess my pi-hole blocks tumblr, so i probably haven’t seen the site in at least 4 or 5 years