I have few app ideas I wanted to create, so I thought I give flutter a try. Downloaded it and as recommended with android-studio… It was horrible bloated and very very slow I could NOT develop with it.

So I started searching for command line based tutorials, but from what I saw in comments was that Google has blocked the method and is no longer supported.

Therefore I am asking is there any other ways to develop android apps, and what do you recommend ? Is there a command line method still alive, qt creator, godot, eclipse ?

  • Dessalines
    43 years ago

    I looked into this a few months ago, and it seemed more of a hassle than its worth. At least with jetpack-compose.

    • shilangyu (lemmur)
      33 years ago

      I can confirm that’s the case. I used to work with a manual android sdk setup but it’s just annoying to setup/maintain. Just install android studio, complete the setup and forget about it