• Soviet Snake
    81 year ago

    Literally one of the best things it could happen to the Fediverse. I assume GitHub will lose a lot of projects once this starts running, it would have been gold if it would have existed during the Copilot debacle.

    • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
      31 year ago

      @sovietsnake @poVoq I dunno, are people so excited about federation that they’ll flock to Forgejo over it? I think ease of contribution is the critical thing here.

      Codeberg does already have a large userbase though, and increasingly Gitea and Forgejo are looking like way more compelling platforms than even GitLab. More community-focused compared to GitLab’s enterprise focus (their website is incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t super well versed in big tech lingo) and slowly gaining the upper hand in the features department. I’ll definitely use it for my next project that needs a git host.