There are a lot of “Shit X Says” communities now, which inevitably leads to quite a few cross-posts and makes people less likely to see others’ comments (e.g. someone comments on a “Shit Liberals Say” post, someone else on the “Shit Fascists Say” version of the post, etc.). It might be a good idea to just have one “Shit Reactionaries Say” community, either by creating a new one or by repurposing the most popular one (SLS), and then setting the other communities to only allow mod posts (basically read-only).
Thank you for coming to my TEDxLemmygrad talk. Proposal co-authored with a second mysterious tankie

Addendum: may be a good idea to also have one community for ultra-leftists separate from the one for general reactionaries.

  • @redtea
    141 year ago

    This isn’t just a response to you, Alunyanners, but it seems to fit here.

    Agree that we shouldn’t be alienating MLMs or other Marxists. If an ‘MLM’, ‘Trotskyist’, or ‘ML’ says something reactionary it could be posted in a ‘c/ShitReactionariesSay’.

    I’m tempted to suggest that we make clear to be criticising the ideas rather than the people, as criticising people might push people away who would otherwise be sympathetic and maybe become communists. But this might be a different issue and could result in tone policing.

    Still, I’d suggest being careful with ‘shit says’ because it’s reactionary ideas, anywhere, that’s problematic, not Lemmy or its users per se. Merging the above communities solves this.

    As for the difference between reactionaries and people who claim to be communists, like Pat Socs, I can see the argument that they are different. But which is more abstract for the pretenders. Ultras or leftcoms? Or are they the same? And is the problem with ultras, patsocs, anarchists, etc, that they end up supporting capitalism and are therefore in the same camp as reactionaries? If so, one merged community might do. Or is it the additional danger of bastardising Marxism that’s a problem. If so, that might help us with the theme of a second ‘c/shitXXXXsay’.