To all full-grown hexbears, NO DUNKING IN MY THREAD…ONLY TEACH, criminal scum who violate my Soviet will be banned three days and called a doo doo head…you have been warned

  • Drewfro66
    9 months ago

    Because we want real structural shifts in the distribution of power, not just treats from our ruling class overlords.

    Look at things in the context of slavery, as an analogy for the ultimate unequal society.

    If a slave owner gives his slaves more comfortable beds, or reduces their working hours, or gives them better food, we can agree that these changes are good for the slaves without praising the slaveowner. And if someone in 1820 or whatever went to an abolitionist protest with a sign that said “Comfier beds for slaves”, they would (rightfully) get punched in the face.

    Why? Because these things are not truly progress. They haven’t changed the power dynamic. The slaveowner can still take away the new beds and increase the working hours and start giving them worse food again. The only things that really matter are structural shifts of power.