• Red PhoenixOPM
    2 years ago

    With regards to being the best kind of warrior, I think it is important to incorporate being a warrior and becoming a better warrior into one’s identity. Obviously we are bound by our outward circumstances, but being a warrior is something within our control and the better a warrior is the more they can influence the situation. Therefore since fighting skill and intelligence is directly associated with practise and theory then it follows that one must engage constantly in these activities to become a better warrior.

      • Red PhoenixOPM
        2 years ago

        I think it is very important to be self-motivated in learning about seeking out the answers of self-defence, so that we may learn from the best but at the same time be our own teachers as well. I would like to teach all that I know, but my understanding and abilities are far from complete. My advice is to seek out all knowledge of all techniques you wish to learn and practise them often and safety. But if safety and survival are our priority then it follows that it’s best to resolve conflicts peacefully. Our minds are our best weapons. Verbal deescalation and avoiding harm are preferable to a violent confrontation for obvious reasons if the situation permits it. But we must always be ready and prepared to defend ourselves if necessary. If our survival is directly tied to our ability to avoid harms well as our fighting abilities then it follows that we must vigilently train ourselves so that we are able to survive in life-threatening circumstances.

        • Sunshiner
          2 years ago

          This sounds familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. What philosophies have you been following lately? I’m quite interested :))

          Our minds are our best weapons.

          Yes, and with imagination, it can become any weapon. Thank you for sharing your wise words, I soon hope to become wise as well. At the moment I can’t give an interesting response, but soon I hope we speak again with an equal exchange of knowledge from my end.

          • Red PhoenixOPM
            2 years ago

            No worries comrade I am happy to share my knowledge. I practise krav maga and a lot of what I know comes from my learning from my instructors there, things I’ve picked up over the years, or my own reflections. I don’t have any specific type of philosophy that I follow. I think it’s essential to train well because we can only fight like we train. I also think it’s important to be honest and realistic with ourselves about our abilities and how to get to the level we want to be at.

            • Sunshiner
              2 years ago

              I really wish I could train but today I fell and I think I sprained my ankle. I’m not sure if I should seek help or toughen it out. I missed today of training because of it. Should I let this stop me and not use it as a reason not to train? What are your thoughts on situations that could halt progress?

              • Red PhoenixOPM
                2 years ago

                I recommend seeking help if possible if you’re not sure. If it’s possible that the injury is going to require more treatment beyond just resting it then ideally it should be treated diagnosed and treated properly asap. I’m not sure if it will cost you anything to go see a doctor, but if not then I think it’s a good idea.

                As for stopping training because of injuries, my view is that we should not stop training because of injuries, however we should modify our training to take care of our body and allow it to heal. If your ankle is sprained you could do things like work on fighting on your back or seated punches, it’s also a good time to really slow down and work on proper form. At some point everyone will be confronted with reasons not to train, but if we’re serious about our training then we have to find ways to overcome those obstacles and continue to train safely at the highest level we can. You need to have the mindset that you’re not going to let excuses get in the way of training if you want to make this a way of life.