EDIT: I made this post shorter because the questions made it quite confusing and didn’t made any sense when re-reading them.
One question that was on my mind is that what would happen to U.S History if the US collapsed?
If the new country USSA was established, would the history of the U.S not matter anymore? Such as the start of the country, glorified figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Would they be forgotten eventually?
What would happen to their trillions of debt? What ties would you cut, and who would you ally the USSA with next? China? What countries would you have relations with? Who would you do trade with?
What are your efforts to make the USSA a strong country and incapable of being attacked by capitalist imperialists?
Say if the USSA was right on their feet and able to keep themselves stable, would you wanna spread this “stableness” to other countries?
Personally my answer to this question is to not spread socialist ideals into other countries without wanted permission. There have been many countries that tried socialist ideals but were stopped by imperialists. I’m sure they will continue their efforts once the imperialist U.S is gone.
What are your suggestions? I would love to hear your thoughts! Please try to answer every question :)) It’s okay if you don’t
It would matter a lot. It’s why this situation is unfortunately fictional. A revolution needs a historical process to drive it and US history is dominated by the process of settler-colonialism. A revolutionary moment will be quickly hijacked by (insert any caricature of US politcal stereotypes) and will serve the development of settler-colonialism.
Im deeply uncomfortable with a “USSA” but beyond that the answer is an easy yes. History will be taught.
You mean The Six Grandfathers?
US monuments will fall and Indigenous sacred sites will no longer be desiccated. Why Soviet leaders should be depicted in monuments is beyond me. We have our own history and our own project to construct.
Debt forgiveness is one of the most important features of any transfer of power and would effectively nuke rent seekers from orbit, destroying their power.
The former US would need to reshape its economy. If the global economy was made equitable today the standard of living in the US would collapse in a way that makes the great depression look like a theme park ride. This isnt even considering there will be conversations about reperations. I doubt this could be fixed by trade. Socialist construction would have to reshape everything and frankly it could take decades to recover from the end of imperialism. We would likley need expertise from those who have tread this path, meaning China would be an important partner. Perhaps a balanced relationship could be established with the world by giving technology held behind IP rights.
I dont think we’d have to worry about much of this because many businesses could evaporate. Fast food being one of them. I personally might target specific commodities that have colonial history and seek to restructure them equitably and destroy our entitlement to these communities. Sugar, coffee, tobacco, tea, etc.
Honestly if the US collapses capital loses its sword and shield. The world could trend toward socialism without much imperialist intervention. It would be a totally new era that is hard to imagine.