They suck so much

  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    10 months ago

    I knew the blue-no-matter-who lickspittle cuckolds would get insufferable-- I just didn’t realize they’d do it a full year outwards. I’m going to savor watching them go red with fury when I tell them their peckerwood democrats’ve been genociding my community for the past sixty years; and that these cracker motherfuckers are smoking meth if they think I’m giving my vote to Genocide Joe, formerly Jim Crow Joe, formerly the architect of the '94 Crime Bill that put away half my extended family for the crime of trying to feed their families.

    I hope the West reaps everything they’ve sewn over the next 25 years. All the hate, all the fury, all the pain and death, I hope they reap a bountiful harvest. A century of humiliation is not enough.