As a leftist, what advice would you give to a teenager that’s becoming an adult?

  • GloriousDoubleK
    2 years ago

    Im going to tell you what I tell just about everyone these days.

    You’re young. Follow your dreams as best you can. Sure. Do I really gotta say that?

    Anyway. Learn to find work youre good at that you dont hate. It is RARE to find a trade or line of work that you’ll be in love with and I think that advice given to me as a youngster was idealist nonsense.

    Give stability a chance. You’ll appreciate the safety and time afforded to you by a job you kinda sorta like, even if it isnt a dream come true.

    Dont feel pressured or hounded by the idea that you MUST have a dream and if you dont have that dream, then you’re a failure. That is idealist nonsense.

    I would have liked to know this kind of stuff in my early 20s. If I did, I would be some ungodly high ranking sanitation director or something by now living 3 to 4 times the kind of QoL im living now. And would have known peace much sooner.

    Find work that is in inelastic markets such as healthcare. Work that is basically needed at the absolute most apocalyptic times. And they healthcare field has got all manner of work that needs to be done that requires very little training such as nutrition or sanitation. And the good thing about these industries is that they like to hire from within. So you may start working in the cafeteria at the hospital and move up into management or maybe cross train into something like x ray tech or surgical tech.

    Some hospitals i know of will send you to school, give a schedule for a job that works for both you and the company and contracts you for a few years after completing your education.

    Be good to your body. Never lift too much at work. Be active, but not a gym rat UNLESS you happen to really love fitness.

    • SunshinerOPM
      2 years ago

      Thank you! I found this advice really helpful! Could you elaborate more on the moving up in rank from cafeteria to x ray tech? I’m intrigued. I also heard about people who never went to college working same hourly pay as someone who got a master’s degree, what’s that about?

      • GloriousDoubleK
        2 years ago

        I can only speak about my own company. I am ASSUMING that ANY hospital or medical corporation worth even HALF A FUCK is at least similar to the programs and whatnot that my company does.

        Ive seen PCAs finish their nursing program on the company dime and then they end up being nurses for the company for about 5 years.

        Ive seen lots of housekeepers go from being janitors to surgical techs and even surgery sterilization and whatnot.

        It very much depends. But from my experience, my company wants loyal professionals. And part of that is paying for training and sending folks to school.

        And healthcare needs workers from all levels of professionalism. We need them all and the pay at the ground floor is usually better than most competitors and more secure due to.the inelasticity of medicine.