The inherent problem with creating a new browser/platform is getting people to create addons/extensions for it.

If you don’t think Google could do this, think again. Google has an iron grip on the Chromium project.

From the beginning of its time with Google, Android was touted as THE open-source phone operating system. The Android Open Source Project was used by several projects to create their own version of Android.

Then at a certain point, Google introduced an app called Google Play Services. This app is not open source and contains all of the stuff you need to access Google’s services.

    3 years ago

    Sorry bud, I can soapbox anywhere I want on Lemmy, just like you friend! If you don’t like what I have to say you can down vote me, but telling me to go away is immature.

    If you don’t see the connection to what I’m saying to what you wrote then that’s your lack of understanding, not mine or others.