Leadership of Lemmy has dug in their heels and shown that they will be slow to remove overt homophobia, sexism, and transphobia on this platform. Administration will spend hours or days of effort defending these people to justify a ban that would be instant on other platforms.

You are not safe here. I recommend migrating to either Lemmygrad.ml or Hexbear.net (Hexbear being much less sectarian but the people on Lemmygrad are very cool 😎). Please take care out there. Fuck the patriarchy! Trans rights are human rights! ✊





  • @CriticalResist8A
    42 years ago

    This is again slander towards lemmygrad from sopuli. Lemmygrad is not an instance owned by Russia, nor is it paid by Russia, nor are we Russian agents.

    The fact that Russia is at war and we talk about it on Lemmygrad, sometimes positively, has absolutely nothing to do with our rules and members. This:

    it’s a bit weird when LGBTQ+ people would suggest being safe there – given how vehemently anti-LGBTQ Russia is.

    Is two different observations that have nothing to do with each other. A non sequitur. It’s like chastising vegans for eating at a restaurant that also has meat options.

    The dissonance here really is that sopuli and beehaw recruit by defaming Lemmygrad as if their instances had nothing to offer except anticommunism.

    If queer people say that they feel safe on Lemmygrad the only answer is “banger”. Not implying they’re not being logical or that we are Russian agents.