I tried Prozac but it didn’t help a lot and I found my gf so I didn’t want the sexual side effects, then after a lot of anxiety tried Lyrica and it worked decently for a bit less than a year but I think that now it doesn’t help that much (either because my circumstances are more anxiety inducing in general or because of tolerance).

There aren’t that many CBT therapists in my country either let alone ERP specialists (most are talk therapists or psychoanalysts). I’m not sure how much it would help anyways because I mainly have mental obsessions which might are more difficult to prevent.

What did you do in a similar position? Did you manage to find some semblance of inner peace? Thanks for your time

  • AdmiralDoohickeyOP
    11 months ago

    This person should find a neurodivergent therapist like I did

    Lucky, last therapist I had used some really old terminology which categorized me (probably autistic) as “psychotic” and we had some conflicts about that. She did help me on understanding some things about how other humans act though, which I am grateful to her for.

    I wouldn’t think that OCD is something that can be treated through medication

    I have more or less reached the same conclusion, it is pretty interesting because the meds lessen the actual body anxiety, but the rumination / mental reassurance never goes away completely. They do help with allowing me to distract myself from the thoughts by doing something else, but I will still get overwhelmed if left alone with them

    Anyway, if you can speak English, consider tele-therapy with someone outside the country. This is what I was going to suggest


    I did those during the lockdowns with yet another therapist but they didn’t go that well, but I could try it again bc I found an ERP therapist in Greece who does them