Unlimited Blade Works-ass poem
Unlimited Blade Works-ass poem
I talked with some union people at my workplace, and I asked them if they plan to resist the full return to office that is coming. I shit you not, they welcomed the news (they were clueless) because “we will communicate and work better” [sic].
They only really care about their higher wages and people like me can fuck off and die I guess. I don’t know why I expected solidarity from neurotypicals. It’s shit like this that completely discourages me from organizing
Is introversion even a real thing? I am starting to believe all introverts are just masked autistics because of ky experience that is similar to yours
My workplace intends to enforce full return to office to improve our discipline, meaning no scheduled remote days but we might be able to get some as needed? Not clear enough.
This is probably going to destroy me, I don’t know if it is some autism sensitivity but office days tire me to the extent that even with 3/5, I often feel so miserable that I take a paid leave just to not go there. I don’t understand how neurotypicals do it every day, it seems impossible to me
Trails to Azure. It’s sadly more coomer than the previous games in the series and the story seems more liberal than usual (even compared to those of the games set in a region called Liberl lmao) but this series is very good JRPG comfort food which is just what I need now
What happened?
I bite my nails and also have OCD. Fwiw I do it less on SSRIs so that might work for you if it bothers you a lot
Do you use an app or some notebook dedicated to the lists? It might help with the habit formation compared to finding some random paper and writing the list there
Don’t psychedelics have that 2-week tolerance period? Or is it OK if you microdose
I am not good at memeing verbally so I made some elaborate and deranged image edits but I can’t do that over phone. Sorry for being so negative
My workplace lies outside of the city, so by moving more closely, I would have to do that commute to reach the city center in order to go for dates with my gf and meet with my friends. My quality of life might drop even more.
To-do lists unironically help me not forget stuff and also get a small feeling of achievement as I cross the items one-by-one
amber whataboutism
The only thing I remember is that you go from planet to planet, and one atrocious fall damage platforming section
Ratchet & Clank (2 had some atrocious levels, and 3 was rushed with a story only an amerikan could have written)
Trails in the Sky (I didn’t like Trails from Zero that much, the game was easier, the quality of life was gone, and the steampunk qualities of the setting that I liked were gone as well. Also I thought the writing was weaker in general)
Blaster Master Zero
Azure Striker Gunvolt
Kingdom Hearts (2 has better combat for sure, but I can’t stand the large number of cutscenes and the disney worlds)
Yeah. It feels like the world has ended already and everything is just moving due to inertia
Huh. I have only watched Ping-Pong and the Tatami Galaxy but I never got that vibe. Can you elaborate? (Not trying to argue with you, just curious)
I feel like I have lost my identity after 1year of job-searching and subsequently work. I don’t understand how things came to this point, I feel like all of my personality has crushed by the 9-5. Does everyone feel this hollow or am I that unable to exist
I think it counts the countries with NATO bases as occupied which I think is fair, there is no way those countries can do whatever they want with yankee boots on their soil
It’s decent but some of the devs’ choices make it a slog. I’m mainly referring to the durability mechanic which needs the material which was used to originally craft an item to perform the repair. So if you lose you become weaker until you grind for rare materials again