I needed this to take my 8K flat picture of the mobo I got for my workstation for aliexpress. Mobo is obscure so I want to take the best pic on the internet prob.

I took a big enough cardboard box sitting around outside. I took an old unused roll of RGB LEDs sitting around from a project 7 years ago. I tested out the $70 2KW ex-mining power supply I got from ebay for my workstation. It’s working, could power my fans. But 12V wasn’t enough for the blue LEDs and it’s likely not bright enough.

I taped the strip all around the box with scotch tape. So I took an old 24V power supply I had in my closet. (The LED strip is 24V.) Wired it up.

Works. Took more than 3 hours.

  • holdengreenOPM
    2 years ago

    it’s meant to get the most uniform lighting possible. no shadows or reflections, just the right amount of light at ever spot. global illumination. it’s necessary for electronics. necessary to make functional photographs of products like electronics.