After a comrade suggested the idea that the human brain is just as adaptable and similar across all humans; I think that “personalities” are just social traits adapted to the material conditions of the human environment.

A human developing in the capitalist environment develops greed (as capital necessitates) merely for survival; not as a default trait.

In socialist and communist environments, humans develop collaborative traits.

Applying this idea further, the characteristics of how much work people put in is influenced by the environment; being stuck in a petite-bourgeois environment means that a person would develop laziness as a result of lacking the need to work.

In a socialist or communist economy a person would be more willing to work; as a result of the proletariat being the ruling class and thus treating workers well.

So technically, I could change my lazy ass into a worker just by changing the environment to a socialist one.

  • Edith_Puthie
    2 years ago

    I think I would only add to this that a mental environment of psyches interacting is a part of the material environment. I.e.: it is easier to be a “new you” in places where people do not have pre-existing notions of your capabilities. See also confirmation bias and systemic racism/misogyny