Intrigued by the fact that many Bibliogram/Nitter/Invidious/Piped instances are from sites that also offer other services, I set out with good will to sift through them one by one, and here are the results: (and I must say I discovered many instances that are not indexed on the “official” directories).

Obviously if I missed any I will point them out and add them.

  • BobIsMyManager
    22 years ago

    Libredirect was made because privacy redirect was unmaintained, and idk about you but using unmaintained software isnt a good idea in general

    • @Edo_Secco@lemmy.mlOP
      22 years ago

      What annoyed me of LibRedirect was that it continued to open frontends even when I disabled some voices, and other “aggressive” malfunctions that I don’t remember now but occurred even if reinstalled. But probably now those problems have been fixed.

      • BobIsMyManager
        12 years ago

        I’ve never experienced any of these, so I’m assuming they have been fixed

          • BobIsMyManager
            12 years ago

            This list is made by scraping the official list of instances for each project, so any instances not on the official lists will not be here.