Look… Im just gonna say it. America is nominally fascist in every way that matters.

We all knew it was gonna be like this. We saw this coming.

So why am I still surprised? Am I surprised because of how it’s going down?

And out of the woodwork is America’s FREAKS.

And Im begging, WISHING that those who are a stunned as me just start advocating for balkinization.

Instead. You got these unflinching freaks and everyone else thinks they can reason and debate their way out of this mess with these people.

Sigh… get things to defend yourself with. 🤦 The things that are going down are not done by misled people. Their minds were made up decades ago and rationale and reason and respectable or even disrespectful bloodsport debate doesn’t matter. They picked their side. 😒

I know Im just preaching to the choir. But what is jokerfying the most is how desperately the people who should be taking the fight to undemocratic fascist bastards are playing by the rule books of respectable democracy as if it was REASON itself that has yet to be revealed to their opponents.

  • @GloriousDoubleKOP
    102 years ago

    Oh yeah. It’s weird being Cassandra and knowing full damn well it would come to this, knowing that it IS like this for many before we saw it in real time.

    But… Here I am. Shocked and basically in a fog of stun.