So here is a generic question, I feel like I’ve been sharing too many news articles. My favorite so far is Final Doom - The Plutonia Experiment however it seems like Celeste can take it’s place. How about you? Bonus question: What is your favorite genre? I love First Person Shooters most myself.

    33 years ago

    Furi is insanely good! I’ve never seen such a mix of genres before. The story is pretty captivating with enough left open that there are still discussions about it today. Plus the OST is killer.

    What’s your gripe with TLoU?

    • @someone@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      It’s a Zombie game. It has a dark tone to boot, which isn’t bad in on itself I just don’t like the premise in this case. And from what I’ve seen there isn’t much of a game rather it’s a movie that makes you occasionally press buttons to make sure you are still paying attention. Truth be told I didn’t actually play this game and I woukdn’t play it if I had the chance.