So here is a generic question, I feel like I’ve been sharing too many news articles. My favorite so far is Final Doom - The Plutonia Experiment however it seems like Celeste can take it’s place. How about you? Bonus question: What is your favorite genre? I love First Person Shooters most myself.

    • @someone@lemmy.mlOP
      33 years ago

      Souls-like mechanics ruined everything for me. Having only 2 checkpoints in a big map and having them both really far away from the boss isn’t fun for me. I can’t learn his pattern becsuse I forget whay little I have learned while trying to get back to him, having to hunt your soul just to get your stuff back is also very frustrating. I will probably play Dark Souls at one point just for the sake of being open-minded, but I am not looking forward to it at all.

        23 years ago

        Aah, I guess I can understand that! I like games that are a bit punishing, so for me those are not huge hurdles stopping me from enjoying the game. But hey, thank God we’re all different :grinning face with smiling eyes: