u/LeftConnoisseur - originally from r/GenZhou

  • archive_botOPB
    2 years ago

    u/AnkanBasu - originally from r/GenZhou
    Putin is an oligarch, yes. But he’s also someone who has maintained good relationship with AES states and states which suffered due to western aggression and has provided them with military or humanitarian support. If I know that then, I have no issue in critically supporting him in these areas and to the legitimate security concerns of Russia. It’s a childish mentality to outright oppose someone just because they don’t agree to you on each and every step.

    If someone wants to criticise him isolating from these areas then be my guest but don’t be an idiot by opposing him and when (I hope not) Russia succumbs to West be surprised that Western hegemony will now go unchecked. No matter how much you think China can deter them, it can’t do that alone.

    • archive_botOPB
      2 years ago

      u/1catcherintherye8 - originally from r/GenZhou

      Putin is an oligarch, yes


      he’s also someone who has maintained good relationship with AES states and states which suffered due to western aggression and has provided them with military or humanitarian support.

      Both these statements can be true, Comrade.

      The point I was intending on conveying in my post is that we must have a complexes nuanced analysis which allows for both Anti-US/NATO Imperialism and anti-bourgeois, anti-Capitalist sentiment.

      No one should be outright apposing or defending Putin as a person, or any person/State for that matter. We must separate the actions from the person/State and support the actions that align with Communist ideals and reject/criticize actions that threaten Communist ideals.


      • archive_botOPB
        2 years ago

        u/AnkanBasu - originally from r/GenZhou
        Oh i misread your intention then(sorry about that.) It’s just that i don’t agree with this discord mods position (i would like to expand on it but people on the main sub have already done that) and i thought you were on board with the same thought

        • archive_botOPB
          2 years ago

          u/1catcherintherye8 - originally from r/GenZhou
          Perfectly fine. I think this speaks to the very cause of the split on this sub and the general issue with online discourse. There’s an intention and a perspective that we are attempting to convey but it’s difficult to do that in short comments, especially when we don’t know each other. We need to give each other more grace but it’s hard when we have a righteous attitude about these subjects, rightfully so.