u/LeftConnoisseur - originally from r/GenZhou

  • archive_botOPB
    2 years ago

    u/Graf_zur_See - originally from r/GenZhou
    “Misinformation” lmao. I was banned for 7 days from the sub for that, because i cited a Western source about the US Intelligence claiming the Russians lost 7k soldiers. Where the FUCK is that “Misinformation”?! For me it seems like either the mods want to drag the oncoming ban on to allow more people to switch to Lemmygrad (hopefully) or they want to wash the backs of the admins, in order to get the sub back. Either way: “Misinformation” my arse

    • archive_botOPB
      2 years ago

      u/applejuice72 - originally from r/GenZhou
      Yeah this is totally just a front to keep things moving for now. I dont think I saw a ton of spread of purposeful misinformation as I saw so much of just information being thrown out. We live in an age of information warfare. Information is a currency and a commodity in and of itself. There really is no such thing as misinformation so long as it is blatant or patently false.

      As a platform that is run by alphabet groups with ties to the uhhh cardinal direction group that represents a military alliance who if you mention that specific connection you get the bloody axe from reddit (which I recommend keeping hush hush with the upmost importance) their version of “misinformation” is just whatever runs against the narrative of the West itself.

      So with that said, there wasn’t a lot of things that were 100% verifiably disproven, just not things that were “state-approved facts and narratives” being promoted in GenZ. So idk who wrote that hunk of garbage and I saw things with my own two eyes that can never be taken away nor shown to be “misinformation.” Sure yeah Russia is managing their own propaganda war, but they aren’t making “Ghost of Sevastopol” claims and nor are they engaged in total warfare on that scale in Ukraine.

      • archive_botOPB
        2 years ago

        u/Tashathar - originally from r/GenZhou
        I’m sure the Russian government is doing something, but considering there’s no “glorious war” shit from the Russian side (that I saw) and Kadyrov is seemingly posting half the footage that’s out there, they doesn’t seem to be waging information warfare.