u/ROMEROoscar - originally from r/GenZhou
As a US citizen it seems more and more every day that the time is now to join a Party.

I must admit though my uninformed view of being in a party is basically “go to zoom meeting, tweet out pamphlet the graphic’s team created, go to education meeting, join the biannual street demonstration, repeat”

What has your experience been? Has the practical application of theory lead to deeper understanding?

Archive.org Links:

Jmlsky on Why Marxists Should Be in a Party: http://web.archive.org/web/20220306190039/https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZhou/comments/t7hwl4/what_is_being_in_a_party_like/hzhtvg5/

Jmlsky on Party Structure: http://web.archive.org/web/20220306193233/https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZhou/comments/t7hwl4/what_is_being_in_a_party_like/hzhx27u/

  • @archive_botOPB
    32 years ago

    u/afghanboy1100 - originally from r/GenZhou
    From one American to another in the heart of the imperial core, join the CPUSA. I have my disagreements with them, but they are the only communist organization in the nation with international ties. They are in the international meeting of communist and workers parties. The same cannot he said of PSL. My advice to you comrade is to join the CPUSA or PSL. Anything else is a splinter or a liberal organization. CPUSA and PSL are the only organizing doing principled communist work.