u/ROMEROoscar - originally from r/GenZhou
As a US citizen it seems more and more every day that the time is now to join a Party.

I must admit though my uninformed view of being in a party is basically “go to zoom meeting, tweet out pamphlet the graphic’s team created, go to education meeting, join the biannual street demonstration, repeat”

What has your experience been? Has the practical application of theory lead to deeper understanding?

Archive.org Links:

Jmlsky on Why Marxists Should Be in a Party: http://web.archive.org/web/20220306190039/https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZhou/comments/t7hwl4/what_is_being_in_a_party_like/hzhtvg5/

Jmlsky on Party Structure: http://web.archive.org/web/20220306193233/https://old.reddit.com/r/GenZhou/comments/t7hwl4/what_is_being_in_a_party_like/hzhx27u/

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Sir-Kerwin - originally from r/GenZhou
    Could you give some examples as to what you do when engaging in party activities?

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/Jmlsky - originally from r/GenZhou
      Ok I give you first half January as an exemple.

      We went to a protest against a EU and NATO "event’ in my town, organized by the Movement for Peace and others orgs, so we prépared a phamplet, we wrote it ourselves, printed it, then tracted it on market and in uni.

      We posted the phamplet on our media also, and we contacted the people who organized the protest to join the list of org that took part in the joint déclaration against EU and NATO.

      Then we went to the protest and we diffused our tract to everyone there. The whole idea was to push for a better criticism of EU and NATO, not just the kinda consensual position that was promoted. We criticised capitalism, French impérialism etc etc. For the record, of all org that were there, CGT were the best.

      In total, we diffused 1k tract about this event, and we organized our participation veeery fast and in a short timespan.

      This was in the first week of January.

      Then the second week we had a popular education event, we diffused for free a movie one night, in presence of the film maker, and after thé diffusion, we organized a debate.

      Here again, same thing, in addition to organize the diffusion itself (renting a municipal room, technical aspect such as projection, sound, microphones, or welcoming thé director…, which was already hard given the Covid restrictions), we once again had to produce the phamplet, print it, organising its diffusion on market, at factory door, in uni, etc etc, and so to planificate all this. We also organized press conference, and we had the two main newspaper local correspondant that came and made two good paper for promoting our event. One of the correspondant was very interested in the topic so it was good for us.

      Another important aspect is the cost of all this, we had to organize a way to pay the movie, cost for the film maker to come, renting the room, printing flyers, etc etc. We organized a small “shop” (More like a table really) in the room so we could sell some related content to people such as book, document we printed, etc.

      This night was succesfull, we had a little bit less than 40 people, which is honestly a lot given the topic and the covid, and also given our size and the size of the town. Even théâtre didn’t gather that much people, many time. Especially we had youth and this is unvaluably good.

      Have in mind that everytime, we had many reunion before, to decide all this and planify. We wrote the tracts, send to everyone for approval or criticism, corrected things, etc. For instance, in the phamplet about UE and shit, I asked to add the massacre of Odessa’s syndicalist of 2014, which we did. And as the OrgSec, I went to print the phamplet, and I organized tracting session. It was intense ngl, we had the press conference, then 4 days of tracting, some time twice a day, and then the diffusion night, so it was almost a full week of work non-stop.

      This is mostly town section stuff btw.

      I only give you the first half only because it’s already a lot of writting, and tbh, we had many other shit done, truth is that we got in trouble with the party leadership and we’re now being sued and shit so I would rather not expand too much about our activity. Have in mind that our PropSec post everyday on our blog and manage social network, we call each other almost everyday, and have a secrétariat a week, etc etc. Also this is not our regular activity, which consist more in tracting in factory door, uni and market, and sticking posters in the street, and this in all our territory, and in addition to this kind of activity.