[deleted] - originally from r/GenZhou
A communist friend of mine recently told me that in china the CPC and government don’t have that much power, and that the ruling class is basically the capitalists. He concludes that he thinks the most likely path china is on is ‘technocratic social democracy’. He doesn’t rule out the possibility of them becoming “”“fully socialist”“” but he thinks the party and government really need to step up their game for this to ever happen. Thoughts on this? I really don’t know what to think, since my impression previously was that the party and govt. had a pretty tight hold on the country and economy.

Edit: I showed him this post and he said “I don’t give an ounce of a fuck about ppl on reddit. I have no time for a website dedicated to trying to suck one’s own cock.” LOL

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/Kulunja - originally from r/GenZhou
    Given the condition of the world that would be unwise. China has rigorously studied the USSR and its successes and mistakes and they realized that one of their mistakes was being too combative w the West when the West still largely controlled the world economy. You can’t efficiently fight back against a capitalist-imperialist system when you’re still a developing nation. Sadly you gotta play along, build yourself and others up, and when the time comes strike