u/RedStarCap - originally from r/GenZhou
The title is my question. Although I am not very sceptical of news coming from the news sources I mentioned, like CGTN, I still think it would be important for me to have pretty strong reasons for convincing my liberal friends to read articles by CGTN to debunk a few myths they have on China.

  • @archive_botOPB
    193 years ago

    u/emisneko - originally from r/GenZhou
    you need to use critical thinking with any source, but they have a much better track record than US media. look at Spanish-American War, Gulf of Tonkin lie, Iraqi WMDs, Nayirah testimony, or all the outlets that push Adrian Zenz even today. to my knowledge China has not used its media to justify aggressive war (or even been at war, for forty-plus years since the tragic aftermath of the sino-soviet split).

    good article on the topic of brainwashing and media hegemony: https://redsails.org/brainwashing/