• albigu
    11 months ago

    Good point, I mixed up the articles about this, the Guardian doesn’t even list the demands one by one. Here’s one that lists all demands, which don’t list the Nazis or Donbas directly, though those have been complained about before (see Putin speech earlier on). Then you can see this slightly newer negotiation development which acknowledges the DPR and LPR and demands the end of militarisation there and denazify (and therefore the end of the paramilitary death squads).

    Now, you don’t seem to understand that Russia can demand whatever it wants, even different things that were not in previous demands. That means that they’ll often drop or return to demands depending on their conditions, and I’m not Putin’s personal spokesman and don’t have to 100% agree with which of their demands is the most important. What prompted this whole conversation is what NATO could’ve done to de-escalate the conflict. Do you know a single guarantee made by NATO to reduce the likelyhood of war or prevent it going on for another 2 years with the risk of nuclear warfare? I’d be happy to hear it.

    Also you seem to confuse the meaning of “justified” there. You asked for sources on what demands have been made, those are up in the first paragraph. They don’t justify anything though, only prove that the demands have been made in the past. Now after that you need to verify the veracity of those demands, and here are some sources that you might enjoy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, on Azov and Nazis being trained and supplied by NATO and the Ukraine government, and just the wikipedia article on the War on Dombas because you don’t seem to even be aware of it. Then once you come to a conclusion on whether the demands exist and are factual, you can decide if disbanding the Azov brigade and recognising the LPR and DPR are morally justifiable or not. “what sources???”

    cute how you ignored everything else, though. Makes you look very sensible and intellectual. You should make an account here

      • albigu
        11 months ago

        Okay I’m going to stop you there. Do a proper analysis. You seem to want me to think your whole argument for you rather than making yourself clear.

        First, have the demands ever been made? You flip flop on that a lot.

        Then, are the demands based in facts? You also seem to flip flop on whether that is true.

        And only then can you tell me whether they are morally justifiable or not.

        And after that tell me why or why not can NATO validate and concede on those demands, and whether they’re partly to blame for this war.

        Since those are the only ones you cited right now (because your memory is very wonky), focus on Azov and the two independent republics.

        You have a whole week to write because I won’t reply until next Saturday, since I’m no longer cooking. Don’t get too lonely.