A very comprehensive, well-referenced piece which thoroughly and concisely addresses the major myths and media distortions of Xinjiang. This article is ideal for people who are on the fence or laboring under misconceptions as it doesn’t assume knowledge and it also lays out the case against NATO bloc propaganda in an accessible manner.

  • @BobsonDugnuttOPM
    34 years ago

    Honestly, I get the sense that you already know a lot of what’s in the article. It’s definitely worth a skim but I don’t think you’ll find much that is news to you.

    This article is a good one to throw at the people who are engaged and who are open to reading or research but who haven’t really wrapped their head around the situation and are taken in by the western media narrative because that’s all they have had exposure to.

    You might like it still but I think you’re sorta beyond the target audience tbh.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSA
      34 years ago

      Still, it’s good to get a primer, but yeah, I basically know Xinjiang at this point like the back of my hand.
