Appears the creator is an anarchist and is going full authoritarianism and banning “tankies” and people active on r/GenZedong, so I just wanted to remind everyone that this sub (community, or whatever they’re called on Lemmy) isn’t in anyway affiliated with the mod team from Reddit and from the start I intended to keep it that way, in fact, the only reason I know about the ban wave is because I just got hit by it. The reason I made this “thing” is because I disagreed with some of their policies and had a suspicion that they would soon start purging MLs like myself.

Not much else to add. Enjoy your cool America maymays here on Lemmygrad.

    • @The_Lobster_EmperorOPM
      44 years ago

      As stupid as I think the policy was, that isn’t why I was banned. In fact, gzingher seemed quite open to the idea of removing the policy, hence why I thought we were at least on decent terms. Note that I will absolutely not be bringing said policy onto Lemmy.

      I was actually banned for being a “tankie.”