Hello, I’m new to Lemmygrad so I’d like to introduce myself. I’m a born and raised Latin Catholic Christian, and my faith is very important to me. I’m willing to accept the Marxist-Leninist world outlook on most things, but I’m conflicted. There are a couple key Marxist positions, primarily materialism and that religion is reactionary, that I can’t accept as a person who believes in God.

Are there any other Christian socialists here? If so, how have you squared your faith in Christianity with your Marxism? How have you made to faith revolutionary, or how have you made your Marxism Christian?

  • NedKellyReincarnatedM
    2 years ago

    A lot of the Bible and other Christian texts line up with Marxist ideology. As a fellow catholic, often yeah I also see many people say Marxism and religion aren’t compatible. However, I’d say different. We get the idea that they aren’t compatible because of what historical leaders and philosophers have said (like Marx, lol) however, I’d argue (most) of them were against the way religious systems were set up, not the religion itself. I’ll see if I can find some resources for you brother.