Whoa, he has some ability to realize what he has taken part in creating.

“The days of Usenet, IRC, the web… even email (with PGP)… were amazing,” Dorsey said on Saturday in a tweet spotted by Mashable. “Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the internet. I realize I’m partially to blame, and regret it.”

  • @beansniffer@lemmy.ml
    52 years ago

    Wouldn’t UBI improve working conditions because companies that had bad working conditions would find themselves unable to attract workers and thus go bankrupt because they couldn’t make money because they didn’t have any workers? I can’t tell if your comment is for or against basic income.

    • @electrodynamica@mander.xyz
      52 years ago

      It absolutely would improve working conditions, competition, and innovation. Right now everything is up to the whims of the capitalists and so there is no free market.

      My point is these oligarchs like to pretend they are for basic income when basic income would completely obviate their shit business models and wipe them out.

      The whole thing with Twitter and fediverse is the same. He can pretend he is for fediverse all he wants but Twitter would have no reason to exist at that point.