Imagemaps are gone, bye bye Miku portrait and Junko shrine :(

  • Packet
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I had the same idea in June, but know I am far from my pc and will only be able to log on at the end of august. The canal thing was mine(if it still stands), I tried to see if anybody that plays is living in the spawn, but every time someone is online, I can’t seem to find anyone who lives there. I may think that some houses are literally abandoned and we can vote to get them demolished. If you seen the unfinished quartz building near the statues at spawn(if it still is unfinished, it wasn’t probably touched from the start of June.

    • BloopsM
      1 year ago

      Maybe we’re thinking of different quartz buildings but I put a sign asking if I could move and and someone replied yes so I moved it across the river to the new development area.