• freagle
    1 year ago

    you really think I’m going to change my mind and NOT think you’re some nutjob with these walls of text? You do you.

    The fact that you shy away from reading a few paragraphs is pretty damning evidence that you have zero idea what you’re talking about because you can’t fucking read. Try podcasting about history if that’s more your speed.

    I still think that other cultures are equally bad if not worse

    Yeah, because you’re an indoctrinated liberal who grew up under the strongest propaganda the world has ever seen.

    I could provide examples and explain it, but it’s not like you’d listen anyway.

    Bet you couldn’t do it without repeating state propaganda AND without accidentally repeating complete racist horseshit without even realizing it.

    I’m not going to change your mind because you’re comfortable with the way things are. You’re in your privilege spot where you can say you’re the good guy and the only reason things are bad is because some people are evil. “Other cultures are just as evil as European culture, actually, some of them are even worse. Sure, Europe literally colonized 80% of the world’s population, but I bet you those other cultures would have done it if they were smart enough (but they’re not because their cultures weren’t good enough) and besides, Europe brought civilization and advanced society to these backwards people.” I’m sure you’re all about telling people how Mao caused famines that killed millions but don’t even know about the famines caused by the West, some that killed 5% of the entire population they were occupying when they decided to starve them.

    You’re likely living in the US, Canada, Australia, or UK. You’re in your mid 20s and need to feel like you know what the fuck is going on. In all four of those countries every educational institution was historically organized and designed by the UK, the global hegemon before WW2, and designed explicitly to reinforce cis het male white supremacist racial capitalism.

    You have no real awareness of how fucked up the European project has been. You were told Hitler was bad but never told that in Mein Kampf he wrote explicitly how he was going to copy the US system, enhance it for the European context, and attempt to dominate the Slavs the same way the US dominated the indigenous.

    You were told that the US needed to bomb hundreds of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because otherwise the Japanese would have continued fighting, but were never told that Japan was literally at the negotiating table trying to establish the terms of surrender and when they asked for a concession the US just didn’t bother to respond and nuked them.

    You were told that the famous picture from Tiananmen Square showed dead people lying on the ground when instead they were bicycles (and 4 people clearly alive) and you could see it for yourself but never bothered to look.

    You were told that NATO, the defensive pact, bombed Yugoslavia without provocation to stop a genocide but were never told they dropped depleted uranium munitions in civilian centers despite not needing to pierce heavy armor and despite the generations of death that the munitions would cause (because, ya know, that’s how humanitarians do).

    You are willfully ignorant. You put your fingers in your ears and scream when you see things that would violate your deeply held convictions that even though the West did bad things, it was better than the alternative, that those Asiatic hordes would have done worse (just look at what they did to their own people!), blah blah blah.

    The only hope here is that you’re mid-20s and you’ll learn eventually, the same way the rest of us figured, by having your indoctrination slowly chipped away at by the brutal truth of history.