I am observing a very similar sentiment to Sinophobia, now regarding Russia. Reddit’s audience is primarily 80% USA + West EU, and the rest 20% also includes a lot of East Europe and other countries, leaving for 5-10% anti-hatred people. On the other hand, Western world makes up for a mere 12% of the world’s population.

This speaks volumes about how majoritarianism is flipped on the internet by Western world to suit their narratives and loudmouth whatever they want dominating in virtual space. And since moderators are also from said Western countries, the biases are completely intentional and systematic.

For all the “human rights” and “no censorship” nonsense these Western countries spout with the assumption of having high horse on moral grounds, they lie a lot systematically.

Just an observation.

  • @DerPapa69@lemmy.ml
    32 years ago

    It’s not just Reddit, methinks. I’ve seen a fair share of russophobia on here too, to be honest. Cold war propaganda still hard at work…

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      Yes, the 4 downvotes carefully balancing this post out of feed shows. Cold War and McCarthyism is at work, my post on r/Firefox also got censored regarding this matter. This whole crap is English Fascism.

    • @southerntofu@lemmy.ml
      02 years ago

      If anything, i’ve found on lemmy a lot of pro-Putin propaganda and that’s bothered me for a while, especially when it comes from people who pretend to be leftists. First, because if you’re a leftist then you can’t be supportive of the Nation State according to marxist-leninist dogma (“leftist” was a term used by Lenin to designate anarchists and radicals). Second because under the most positive interpretations of USSR history (as a “people’s republic”), Putin falls short of any communist principle (he’s with the oligarchs, right?). Third, because under the most negative interpretations of USSR history (as a genocidal State-capitalist continuation of the Russian Empire) Putin is just reviving the Russian empire/autocracy.

      Russian propaganda says Ukrainian people/government is nazi, and there is certainly some truth to that as most of Europe has been widely influenced by the nazi regime. But Putin’s regime is also uncomfortably close to nazism, with his christian/white-supremacist apology, his youth reeducation camps for punk/misbehaved kids, his political repression and secret service torture of dissidents, his strong anti-muslim propaganda…

      NOTE: I’m not here to say France or the USA is much better. There is a lot broken and wrong here and i’ll jump on any occasion to point it out. But saying that denouncing a military invasion from a tyrannical government is “russophobia” is completely disconnected from political reality of anti-imperialist struggles. This narrative is very similar to that pushed by Israel government when they say everyone who criticizes Israel is an antisemite.