• poVoq
    12 years ago

    I didn’t address it because it is not really relevant for Antiwork. I think you need to read up a bit on the theory behind it before jumping to conclusions. Anyways, as I was warned by a moderator here to not get into so many arguments, I will leave it at that.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
      2 years ago

      I’d argue it’s very much relevant to theory behind the whole concept. I’ve read Geaeber, and I’m not jumping to any conclusions here as far as I can tell. Nowhere does Graeber argue that work as a concept would disappear in the foreseeable future. I don’t see Russell arguing anything of the sort either. Since you’re clearly caught up on the theory, why don’t you address the point I made for everyone’s benefit.

      • poVoq
        2 years ago

        While the article by Graeber is mentioned in the reading list, I would personally not associate this article or Graeber’s ideas in general with the Antiwork concept. The idea is much older then Graeber’s writings anyways.

        P.S.: Since MLs are often complaining that Anarchists are unwilling to read up on theory, I will leave it as is ;)

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
          22 years ago

          To sum up, you provided links to read and now you’re saying you don’t agree with the theory you linked. Amazing stuff. You still haven’t explained how any of the writings contradict my points. The ones I’ve read certainly don’t.

          Surely since you’ve read and understood this anarchist theory you’re promoting, you’d be able to explain it to others in simple terms. As Albert Einstein famously said, if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself. I’ll leave it as is. :)

          • poVoq
            12 years ago

            I didn’t make that list so it is no wonder I don’t agree with the inclusion of every single article.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
              22 years ago

              So, you sent me a link and now that you realized I’ve read the things you linked to, you’re distancing yourself from it. Amazing stuff.

              • poVoq
                2 years ago

                You happen to have read one highly polemic and mostly unrelated article of a list of 30 or so articles and now you claim to know everything about it? Don’t make me laugh ;)

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
                  32 years ago

                  I read both Graeber and Russell, neither of them say anything remotely close to eliminating work entirely. You’re evidently unable to explain how that would work either, and just keep deflecting when asked. Don’t make me laugh. ;)

                  • poVoq
                    -32 years ago

                    I don’t want to explain it to you as you are obviously too lazy to read up on the real theory. But I also have the feeling you are not reading Russel or Graeber properly, but rather through marxists lenses that distort what they write. Not everything can be seen through such lenses especially not Antiwork, which has nothing to do with marxism.