The other poll’s answers add extra information and I feel it can potentially confuse people who are answering.

Do you care about your own individual privacy?

“Yes”, “No”, “I have reason to believe there is an answer beyond strictly yes or no” (optionally, with a comment under that answer including your reasoning)

No other options. Please only pick one to upvote.

If there is something you have knowledge of that you would not share with me, some random stranger on the internet, you care about privacy and your answer is Yes. Otherwise, if I am allowed to have any information that you have, your answer is No.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      42 years ago

      I care about my privacy in the abstract sense (so yes), but I also understand that - if we’re talking about most forms of privacy that are information related - the government and my IP already has more than enough data on me, that trying to cover my tracks at this point is pointless (so no)