• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
    62 years ago

    First, the whole notion of a takeover is a straw man. Second, exposing people to effective means of organizing and having an actual theory of change would be the real value. If it just ends up being a place where people moan about their jobs being awful and telling each other that they just need a better job, all it does is perpetuate the status quo.

    Meanwhile, the same people who are claiming that MLs are being pushy are perfectly fine collaborating with nazis social democrats, and liberals. It’s quite telling that only MLs who are seen as a problem since they’re the only group that actually provides a way out.

    • poVoq
      -32 years ago

      Even if the takeover is incomplete, a sufficient number of MLs mansplaining something about the “dictatorship of the proletariat” or some other such non-sense will be a sure way to kill any momentum /r/antiwork has in the US right now.

      /r/antwork is not anywhere near a place where effective organizing can take place; it’s mostly about showing people that there are a lot of other like-minded ones and that they can “stick it to the man” if they have sufficient numbers.

      And those social democrats and liberals are at least not brigading other places and acting against their own interests while doing so.

      • @the22flames_@lemmy.ml
        42 years ago

        showing people that there are a lot of other like-minded ones and that they can “stick it to the man” if they have sufficient numbers.

        There’s already a scientific method for doing this that hundreds of millions of people in the global south have used to materially benefit their lives, it’s called Marxism-Leninism

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
        2 years ago

        This type of argument is precisely the sectarianism I’m talking about. Anarchists single out a particular group of leftists and say that they can’t participate. If people are behaving poorly, then moderators should deal with that on case by case basis as is done on plenty of other big subreddits. If somebody starts mansplaining then they can be deal with, and it certainly shouldn’t be restricted to MLs. Moderators siding with right wingers and liberals against other leftists just turns the whole thing into opportunism.

        It’s also utterly false that social democrats and right wing trolls are not brigading. They absolutely are, but I guess anarchists see them as kindred spirits.

        • poVoq
          -42 years ago

          The moderators did their job and removed those brigading posts, just as they did here on Lemmy today. Other mansplaining posts are of course also removed, but when it is an organized effort to brigade a place then dealing with it on a case by case basis is unrealistic.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
            22 years ago

            You still have not demonstrated the case that there is any brigading happening. You just keep repeating that over and over. I guess you’ve learned that tactic from your comrades on the right.