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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • So I’ve been following events in Argentina since we haven’t seen a true An-Cap since the 40s. I’ve been trying to follow events since the election and there’s definitely been alot of boat rocking for better or worse. You seem like you have strong opinions hopefully based on sound evidence. So, if you could, could you talk a bit about your perspective and how policy has changed and affected the country? Or otherwise refer me to a reliable source. What is Milei’s deal? What supposed benefits are there and are any genuine? Has the country fallen into dictatorship? Is he genuinely the popular candidate? Other than An-Cap policies what other “far right” things is he accused of? Anything especially heinous or redeeming from our liberal democratic perspectives? What kind of power does he have over the state given whatever their constitution is like? Or is it followed at all?

    I suppose it’s a bit callous of me to just want to know as a point of interest and nothing more but I find it so damn fascinating. How often do we really get something different in this world?

  • Yea I’m never sure why so many people are against this sentiment.

    You get 1 vote every four years on an election issue which is often a red herring. There is legitimised if not legalised bribery of politicians. Politicians DONT have to be representative. The party can remove the guy you voted for if he actually keeps his promises. The parliament can be filibustered. The politicians don’t have to vote or read legislation. The parliament can be decided by niche whackadoos whenever there is a slim majority which is 90% of the time. Politicians and media are caught daily lying, porpagabdising and manipulating. Geographical Electorates can be manipulated to get whatever result the ruling party wants. The institution can pick and choose which votes they will count. You will be arrested if you exert the real power of the democratic process; protesting. The governemt monopolizes violence against you. Corporations buy their way out of everything. Socialized losses, privitised profits. There is no reasonable alternative beyond throwing your vote away and before you say preferential voting, I live in a country with preferential voting and it just makes things worse.

    All representative democracies are sham democracies and that is all of them.