• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • zoostation@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDating
    6 months ago

    Yeah, it is rough, but keep in mind dating is hard for most people so it’s less of a you problem than your brain want to make it feel like.

    And don’t think of it as being a “top” person or not. It’s healthier and more accurate to think of it as compatibility. There’s not a linear scale of people. When someone’s interested in you (for the right reason) it’s because you work together as people, not because you’re the best person they can get and vice versa.

    You’re not misogynistic, but watch out for the people who try to portray dating as more adversarial than it is so they can profit from amplifying our insecurities.

  • zoostation@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDating
    6 months ago

    There are so many benign reasons you can reject someone.

    Maybe you just deleted the app because you’re done with trying for now.

    Maybe you like someone but move on because things just got serious someone else you found first.

    Maybe you like someone but there’s some dealbreaker like distance or having kids or something else random they have a bias about.

    Maybe you reject someone without thinking there’s anything wrong with them, you just don’t feel compatible.

    And yeah some people will reject you because you’re not rich or your looks aren’t perfect, that happens too, but only a small percentage of people are rich or look perfect, you just have to make peace with not being that. Just about everyone else is in the same boat.

    Don’t let incel types cause you to shape your impression of why you’re being rejected and turn it into a reason to hate a whole gender. Some of them have shitty standards, sure, but don’t turn it into a rule about them. That leads to a downward spiral.

  • Valve is a rent seeker that has taken more from players than it’s given them.

    Before Valve we owned our games. We had the freedom to resell them. Being able to play them without a third party involved, offline, without bullshit launchers, was the norm. As physical goods they dropped in price rather than holding the same digital listing price for years.

    Forums? We also had those before Valve. Independent. With less censorship. Friends lists? Also something we had and it didn’t tie us to a specific store.

    Valve, having been early to the party, has done more to normalize loss of digital consumer freedom than any other company. We don’t even remember that they started it, and what rights we lost.

    But the prevailing attitude among gamers is hostility to them even having competition. It’s profoundly misguided. They’ve given us some conveniences and present us with flamboyant sales (after data mining the shit out of us) that distract from their manipulation of higher overall list prices.

    So the fact that we ride their dick is annoying in the first place. Opposing them having competition for silly reasons like features is even worse.