• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It is so funny that US does propaganda like this, because there is so much shit happening in and because of countries like China, Russia and North Korea. Why doesn’t US talk about the genocide? Why doesn’t US talk about public executions (oh wait I know the answer to this one), why doesn’t US talk about concentration camps (oh I know this one too), why the duck does US have to have shitty disinformation propaganda like North Korea forcing specific haircuts instead. There is so much shit happening because in these corrupt areas, and lies about haircuts is the thing they want to focus on.

  • Don’t need proof that it isn’t a bug, it’s happened to me multiple times since Windows xp, all the way until the last time I tried dual booting with windows 7…

    At that time, I decided if a game doesn’t work in Linux, I don’t need it. Luckily dxvk and proton came around that time

    I don’t care if it’s a bug or if it’s intentional. Fuck off windows

  • I am against capital or even corporal punishment.

    But if I were to pick my way of dying, nitrogen hypoxia is the way I would like to go

    Nitrogen is the most common thing you breath, almost 80% of air being nitrogen.

    You don’t feel like you are being choked, because that feeling does not come from less oxygen, but when other gasses like carbon dioxide is at a too high level. Foreign liquid, or even being unable to expand your lungs. There is no too low oxygen sensor in your body that is used to send pain signals.

    You gradually lose your cognitive faculties, including feeling pain or self preservation.

    I am against captial or even corporal punishment, even for heinous crimes.

    If you are thinking about ending your life, seek help with health care professionals, everyone deserves a chance to have a better life.

    All that said, I think nitrogen hypoxia is the most humane way of ending a life. I would even wish that my chicken nuggets got the least painful end to their lives

  • I didn’t care about this statistic when my daughter needed cpr

    While panicking I didn’t know what do do but call the emergency services, I screamed in terror into the phone, they were trained and instructed me and the wife to do what we needed to do until the ambulance came. My eyes get teary and my gut gets cold even writing this. My daughter survived and is as healthy as can be now.

    This is even when my wife is an trained nurse that would have been able to handle the situation if it was not our daughter.

    Nothing could have prepared us on how to handle the situation if we couldn’t call emergency services

  • I had a different situation in the same spot

    Goblin camp Spoilers

    After killing off everyone inside, I let the goblin kids run out, which I guess is what made the people in the camp hostile. But I went back to the grove to finish my quests there before continuing. So instead of fast traveling back into the inside of the castle, I wanted to see if I forgot something and strolled in the front. I didn’t know the kids running off (which I didn’t want to kill, would probably break my Paladin oath also, and feels horrible), everyone was now hostile. I thought I was going to die and have to reload, so I just went with it.

    Then I used the bridge into the goblin camp as a choke point. And I thought I’d throw grease bottles in the choke point, but Gale had grease spell prepared so I just used the spell slots there. And I had Shadowheart throw a fireball, hoping it would start a fire in the grease and it did. Every turn I had gale summon more grease doing lots of damage, maintaining the choke, it burned instantly because of the grease.

    My paladin finished off a few goblins that managed to run through the fire, which each needed one stomp with a mace to the face to finish off. Shadowheart and Wyll threw fireballs and Eldritch Blast as well. Got lots of exp also.

    The whole camp except the drunk sleeping bunch was wiped. The sleepers they got a big bonk in the head while trying to be quiet near them, none of them woke up.

  • Vulkan with a mod that replaces Nvidia DLSS with AMD FSR 2.2 it is for me. (this mod only works in Vulkan)

    Going to reassess when the update that adds FSR 2 which should work for both Vulkan and DX11. I am playing on Linux desktop and SteamDeck (linux also) so I hope they fix the issues with Vulkan since DX11 goes through a translation layer (called DXVK) on Linux. Theoretically Vulkan should have a lesser strain on the CPU, and it doesn’t need to go trough the translation layer. But currently vulkan on BG3 seams to run a bit slower, cancelling out the theoretical improvements, at least on linux, and also has more crashes. For me it seldomly crashes when loading a game.

    For me I am CPU limited and VRAM limited on the Steam Deck, I put a framecap of 30fps, and it does run without that at about 40 to 50fps in the beginning of the game, but I want steady fps so I am using the 30fps cap. I would prefer if vulkan got a little bit better, if it exceeded dx11 a bit, there would be more headroom with the fps, and my battery life would be a bit better.

    Not looking forward to the performance of Act3, I might just stream the game from my desktop at that point. Digital Foundry is suspecting that one issue with the fps is AI pathfinding, which seams to be single threaded or bottlenecked in some other way. I am expecting they won’t fix that issue, but will be very happy if they can improve upon that, improve its performance, and multi-thread it. Sadly my gut feeling believes that would have to wait for their next game in this engine, but I can hope right.

  • I’m opposed to burning the Quran, but I am even more opposed to making it illegal to do so.

    The wording quoted from the Danish politician by OP, assuming it is correctly quoted and translated sounds horrible and dystopian. Imaging making a law to make it illegal to do something that offends other people, or even offends other people from other countries. Now you have other people deciding on tummy feeling what is legal in your country. Absolutely disgusting.

    Burning the Quran should continue to be legal, I just don’t see why you would do that, or other books for that matter. There are way more price efficient ways to produce heat than book burning