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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • That’s a misconception. Farmers lobbied heavily against DST. Their work does not abide by the clock; they milk when cows need milking, and they harvest when there’s enough light, no matter what some clock says.

    In Europe, DST as we know it now was first introduced by Germany during WW1 to preserve coal, then abandoned after the war, and widely adopted again in the 70s. In the US it was established federally in the 60s.

    This is all glossing over a lot of regional differences and older history. But yeah, US farmers were very much against the idea.

  • A couple of years ago I started playing through the AC games in order. Like you, I had picked several up for free (starting with Unity when the Notre Dame burned), and completed the collection (except the most recent ones) with nice discounts.

    I liked Syndicate a lot, especially after Unity which I really disliked. The not-quite-steampunk setting appealed to me, and compared to Unity it controlled much better. I absolutely hated the PC controls in Unity.

    I also liked Evie, but honestly could’ve done without Jacob. The sibling idea sounds good on paper, but I don’t think it works. And Jacob is just the less interesting one. I also feel some of the twists in their relationship came out of nowhere.

    Gameplay wise the rope launcher was fun. I disliked how often you’d get into a fight just for walking down a street, and using the rope was a good way to escape or avoid that.

    Looking back at it, I think this is my second favourite AC. The story is much less compelling than several others, but the setting and characters make up for it.