• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Oh no worries! Grub is the boot loader. So you turn on the computer and the firmware looks at its list of things to boot from. When you first installed manjaro it booted from the usb and let you install the OS while running off the usb. Usually you would have had to go into the firmware to adjust the boot priority list, and put usb on the top. Now you can go back in and look at that boot priority list again. Now what you’re gonna look for is where manjaro installed grub you can make that the top priority so that next time you reboot it will choose grub, and grub will fire up your linux install. Also in that firmware menu you can look at the other boot options, for example if you have an HP laptop you’re going to need to enable legacy booting because the default secure boot settings sometimes cause issues.

  • I haven’t tried that exact set up myself but in hyprland the default tiling would have your Elden Ring on one half and your friends the other half. Then if you opened up discord it would split one of the halves in half again. If you wanted to have discord instead floating and over top of the stream you could do that, or send it to the next “desktop” over if you don’t need to see it. You can customize each of the tiles however you like, border or no border, you can move them around…

  • The distance from picking up the guitar to being able to play music is so far that most people give up before making it through. Building muscle memory and being able to finger those chords without fat fingering the other strings takes longer than you expect. You’re talking about trying to play a song when really you probably need a month on the open chords.

    If you are over it then no shame in moving on. If you want to take one more crack at it you’ll have to slow down and just hyper focus on the basics. Or try ukulele! Ukulele is awesome because the cords are a lot easier and you’ll become a strumming master since you won’t be concentrating so hard on the chords. And then later down the line it would give you a good foundation if you take a crack at guitar again

    In my opinion there is no such thing as natural talent. There is only practice and muscle memory. Once you’re up and running with robotic hands (Being able to play the chords without thinking about them, being able to strum a few patterns without thinking about them) It opens up the whole world of music and songs