• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I spent 95% of my time shitposting on one forum in the early 2000’s. It was a similar experience to spending 95% of my time on reddit or one of the other major social media sites, except that crazy new ideas for social media didn’t really exist back then. They were all traditional forums where everything is posted in chronological order. I remember occasionally sumbling across a threaded forum back then, where you could reply directly to a comment and start a new thread chain like lemmy and reddit can. That was about it as far as innovation went, or at least from what I remember.

    The other 5% where I was browsing those old web 1.0 sites with basic html and flash and all that stuff, I don’t miss that stuff too much. It would be nice to browse through an archive of stuff like that once or twice for nostalgia’s sake, but the modern internet is good too. I have no qualms with the modern internet.

  • The suggestions in their direction for future improvement section should be implemented sooner rather than later. There’s no point in growing this platform if it’s going to be left wide open for abuse like it is.

    I also think, in lieu of lemmy devs making any improvements, another good solution would be for a third party to prop something up that scrapes every lemmy post and runs it through an automated service for detecting known CSAM. The third party service would be forcing at least one of those future improvements on lemmy, as it exists today. Any known CSAM that’s found would be automatically reported, and if the instance owners can’t deal with it, then they would rightfully have to deal with the consequences of their inactions.

  • Well, this is off topic, but c/all for all the popular instances are like 99% the same, save for the occasional obscure community in one of the instances that nobody else is subscribed to. You can confirm that yourself by opening up lemmy.world and sopuli.xyz in private tabs and selecting all with the same sort in both. But I should’ve also mentioned that I sort by the “top” sorts when I browse all. If you browse with hot or active, then it is a significantly different experience from the top sorts.

    But alright, I won’t pester you anymore. I apologize if I sounded angry too. I’ve been having issues with that recently that I’m trying to be more conscious of. I shouldn’t have even made my original comment in here, now that I’m thinking of it. That was kind of poor forum etiquette. It’s easy enough to just ignore the migration notices. So sorry about that haha. I wish you the best of luck with your communities, though.

  • Haha yeah, the canned fruit is loaded with sugar from that extra syrup they add. I’ve been rationalizing it as at least I’m not drinking soda anymore, but I need to fix that too.

    This is great info, though. Dried fruit is a good idea about ditching that sugary syrup. Plus, it’s easier than canned fruit anyway. I have been avoiding the premixed canned stuff and I do eat a lot of nuts and seeds, but I don’t do any dried vegetables. I’ll start looking into trying those. They do sound like they’d be a good way to get more variety.

  • Thanks, I’ll try getting the low salt versions of things I can, and trying alternatives too, like frozen versions. I thought about dried beans before too, so maybe I’ll give those an honest go now. I was thinking they’d probably be just as easy as what I’m currently doing if you cook those in batch, and they’d probably taste better too.

  • Yeah, that’s the type of thing I was wondering about. Some weird chemical type thing or something that does damage over time. I haven’t been worrying about it too much, but figured I should probably at least check before I knock too many canned meals back.

    And yeah, this is metal cans I’m talking about.

    For the microplastics, I guess I’m not too concerned with this if I can’t avoid them anyway.

  • I’m getting downvoted because I’m not conceding that the miscommunication was a legitimate excuse for that blowup. And I’m going to continue to not concede that. I found this whole situation to be embarrassing, and I think instead of getting mad at the miscommunication, you should all be getting mad at the moron who took that screenshot and whipped up the mob frenzy to swarm that merge request, because ultimately Red Hat was 100% justified in not accepting that merge request, and it made you all look like morons.

    It’s fine to get mad on social media, but if you’re contributing to GitLab or someplace else, then you need to slow your roll. There’s always a process involved when contributing to a project, and you have to learn that process in order to contribute effectively. You can’t blow up and whip up a social media frenzy at the slightest inconvenience.

    Edit: Sorry, @angrymouse@lemmy.world. I should also add that I’m not mad at you personally or anything, or calling you a moron. I’m more talking about the collective response to this situation. And I’m pretty bad at words, so I feel like I accidentally made it too angry.

  • I’m getting downvoted on my comment about not making a comment on CentOS, so now I feel obligated to reply to this.

    I don’t know, dude. I don’t really care about the miscommunication. I was just focusing solely on the merits of the merge request’s code changes.

    For the miscommunication, it seems like a two way street to me. That was GitLab, so the Red Hat dev was probably operating under the assumption that people there already understood everything about their testing process. But obviously that’s not the case, so Red Hat should create better boilerplate responses for these scenarios. But on the other side of the coin, whoever took this screenshot and posted it to reddit or wherever did so prematurely, imo. They should’ve asked around a bit to make sure it was a legitimate thing to blow up about before they sent a lynch mob to the merge request.