• 70 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Yeah I often see people discussing minimum wages and living wages, this was a different concept I stumbled upon for people to think about, which makes sense for society to consider because if workers have families they’re not simply trying to earn a “living wage” (enough for them) but also enough for kids and/or spouse, etc.

    family wage: enough to support a whole family by one breadwinner (traditionally thought of as an individual male; even with dual breadwinners you could still have an idea of how much a “family wage” would be that pays for the costs of the whole family)

    living wage: enough to support an individual

    minimum legal wage: legally allowed minimum to pay per hour (I don’t know how common it has been for a minimum wage to be enough to raise a family)

  • Marriage is the sacred bond between a husband and wife which may allow for the biological production of children, as God created people male or female “in the image of God”

    It’s therefore impossible for two people of the same gender to marry as it is outside of the divinely constituted institution of marriage, and the encyclical discusses at length the beauty of the matrimonial union

    Higher-ups in the Church would therefore of course not sanction unnatural unions and would insist upon relationships that satisfy the mutual longing of man and woman