• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I singled out Ashkenazi jews as most westerners aren’t aware of other groups such as Mizrahi or Sephardi. It was for ease of following conversation in case anyone else stumbled upon the comment thread. And yeah, I was referring to the original pronunciation of the letter and the original form of the Tetragrammaton.

    In terms of the usage of Adonai, Elohim, El Shaddai, or even Hashem, those are used at titles such as “Lord” and not the actual name of the Deity of Abraham correct? When you said “multiple names of God”, I assumed you meant the Kaballah teaching that there are 72 names of God

  • Vav is a product of ashkenaszi pronunciations due to yiddish. Originally it’s Waw. And the multiple names for God thing comes from Kaballah which certain groups of Jews actually do reject as mysticism and not originally being grom Judaism but added in after the second temple period due to the Zohar. Certain groups such as the Kairaites for example, even reject the Talmud, Mishnah, and Kaballah and stick to Torah and Tanakh only

  • Well experts say that Biden has a good chance of winning if he runs against Trump. In fact, Allen Lichtman has predicted every election correct since 84 except Bush vs Gore. But that was due to Florida fucking with the votes. He himself says Biden has a strong chance of winning if Trump is picked as the Republican forerunner. Which they obviously will pick him.

    The problem with 2016 was that Republicans clearly couldn’t take having a black president for 8 years to then go and have a woman be the next president right after that. Then Trump who just said any and everything to appease to then crazies of this country and they came out in droves. As well, Hillary just wasn’t that charismatic in her debates